Let Jackson Hole change you.
The Cloudveil
Find yourself immersed in the wild beauty of Jackson Hole and the natural refinement of the award-winning Cloudveil Hotel, located just steps from the town square.
Visit the SiteJackson Hole’s natural encounters have the power to change people and perspectives.
The Cloudveil embodies this transformative power in every aspect, from the design of the property, to the guest programs, to the website experience. Deeply inspired by the natural world and the local culture, The Cloudveil goes above and beyond to share the beauty and wonder of Jackson Hole in their own unique style.
Rooted in the destination, people, and soul of Jackson Hole, The Cloudveil draws upon the town’s signature Western style, providing a feeling of understated luxury and a refined, yet relaxed sensibility.

The natural awe and wonder of Jackson Hole.
On their journey through the website, users might discover interactive cairns, which are a core feature of the brand’s visual identity that indicate exploration. By clicking an interactive cairn users find themselves immersed in video experience that draws them into the natural awe and wonder awaiting them in Jackson Hole.
Explore uncharted places and embark on a journey of your own making.
The website is the first step in the guests’ journey to discover their own unique experiences. TMBR built a custom adventure discovery tool to guide visitors to explore by season or location, providing access to a myriad of adventures that can be found only in Jackson Hole.
Guide Notes features trip ideas and itineraries curated by Cloudveil’s skilled team of Path Finders, whose mission it is to help each guest create their own unique experiences.

Jackson Hole gets into everyone’s soul. It urges people to rediscover an essential part of themselves that was there all along. The Cloudveil invites guests to ask themselves a fundamental question: How will Jackson Hole change you?
A property as special as it’s locale.
The Stay landing page provides guests with a preview of all The Clouvdeil has to offer – from the bold and locally inspired design of the property itself, to the artisan-crafted a.twork and interior design.
Featured rooms invites guests inside their own piece of Jackson Hole, to luxuriate in a space reflective of the iconic surrounding mountains and parks.
Guest and press testimonials speak directly to the transformative experience of a stay at The Cloueveil.
An interactive cairn invites guests to reach out directly to the hotel concierge for a personal and custom booking experience.
The design brings the outside in by creating immersive opportunities for guests to discover nature and explore the property.